So‘z birikmalari 71 ta
Anqoning urug’i
Blue rose
Aravani quruq olib qochmoq
Beat around the bush
Archilgan tuxumdek
As bald as a coot
Baxt qushi boshiga qo’nmoq
As luck may have it
Behuda sayrash
To beat a dead horse
Bemaza / tirraqi buzoq
A black sheep
Besh barmog’ini og’ziga tiqish
Bite off more than you can chew
Besh qo’ldek bilmoq
Know like the back of one’s hand
Bir chaqaga zor
Poor as a church mouse
Bir tiynlik foydasi yo’q
As useless as tits on a bull
Boyning itidek burni baland
As conceited as a barber’s cat
Bozori chaqqon
To sell like hot cakes
Bu yerda bir gap bor
Chap bermoq
To duck
Devorga gapirmoq
Like talking to a brick wall
Dunyoni suv bossa o’rdakka ne g’am
Like water off a duck’s back
Echkidek beaql
Act the giddy goat
Eshakday qaysar
As obstinate as a mule
Eshshakdek ishlamoq
Work like a horse
G’alvirda suv tashimoq
Thrash over old straw
Gapni aylantirmoq
Beat around the bush
Gard yuqmagan
A sacred cow
Hamirdan qil sug’urgandek
Like shelling peas
Hissiz kesak
Cold fish
Ich-etigacha ivigan
Like drowned rat
Igna ustida o’tirgandek
Like a cat on hot bricks
It-mushuk bo’lmoq
Fight like cat and dog
Kesakdan olov chiqadigan
A dark horse
Ko’zining oqu qorasi
The apple of one’s eye
Kuydirilgan kalladek irshaymoq
To grin like a Cheshire cat
Miri ham yo’q
Not to have a bean
Fighting cock
Musichadek beozor
As harmless as a dove
Na xamir na patir
As bald as a cue ball
O’zi yemas, o’zgaga bermas
A dog in the manger
Og’zi qulog’ida
Look like the cat who swallowed the canary
Og’zidan gullab qo’yish
Spill the beans
Og’zidan zahar tommoq
Sour as vinegar
Og’ziga talqon solib olgan
Cat got your tongue
Ona suti og’zidan ketmagan
Spring chicken
O'z qobig'iga o'ralgan
Lone wolf
Pichog’i moy ustida
A bed of roses
Pinakka ketmoq
Hit the hay
Qalovni topsang qor ham yog’adi
If you find its fire tools even snow can burn
Qanotini qirqmoq
To clip someone's wings
Qarib quyilmagan
Look like mutton dressed as lamb
Qo’ydek yuvvosh
As gentle as a lamb
Qon bilan kirgan jon bilan chiqadi
Leopard cannot change its spots
Qovog’i osilgan
As miserable as sin
Qovog’idan qor yog’moq
Have a face like thunder