“Ko’z bog’lash” – “Kim keldi” bu ikkala o’yin turi bir-biriga juda yaqin. O’yinning shartlari quyidagicha: O'yinchilar doira qurib o'tiradilar. Ulardan biri onaboshi qilib tayinlanadi, u davraning tashqarisida turadi. Bolalar ko'zlarini yumib o'tiradilar, onaboshi esa doira atrofida aylanib yurib, sekingina bir bolaning orqasida to'xtaydi. Onaboshining yurishiga bolalar quloq solib o'tiradilar. Orqasiga onaboshi kelib to'xtaganini payqagan o‘quvchi qo'lini ko'tarishi va buni o'qituvchiga aytishi kerak. Agar bola to‘g‘ri topsa onaboshi o'rnini egallaydi. Agar topolmasa o'yin davom ettirilaveradi.
"Blindfold" or "Who is this" – these both games are similar to each other. The rules of the game are as follows: The players sit down in a circle. One of them is picked as a leader and he must be out of the circle. When all players close their eyes, the leader turns around the circle to stand back any of the players. If the player notice the leader standing back of himself he must say it. If he is right he will replace the leader, if not the game will go on.