Kurash- ikkita sportchi ishtirokida o`tkaziladi. Kurashning Farg'ona variantida o`yinchilar tik turgan holda va qabul qilingan qoidalarga muvofiq kurashadilar. Tik turgan uloqtirishlar hakamlar tomonidan baholanadi. Teng ko'rsatkichlar bo'lsa, g'alaba oxirgi belgiga muvofiq beriladi. Ishtirokchida (ishtirokchida) ball va penalti bo'lsa, bal birinchi o'ringa chiqadi. Musobaqalar Olimpiya tizimi bo'yicha takroriy bahslarsiz o'tkaziladi.
The Uzbek kurash is one of the most ancient types of traditional wrestling in the world and, probably, the most popular amusement in Uzbekistan. In the former times people were wrestling on the ground, sometimes covered with carpets. The rules are simple and democratic. Kurash is acceptable to both the young and the old. Holidays often feature wrestling with the participation of grey-bearded old men. Kurash requires much strength and stamina and is not characterised by complex technique and tactics. Kurash wrestlers use towels to hold their opponents, and their goal is to throw their opponents off the feet.
Eh-he! Kurash maydonida tumonat odam. Elektr chiroqlari tomoshatalablarning zich davrasini arang yoritib turibdi. Manba: Abdulla Ayizov,Polvon yig‘lagan tun |
Yalpi yurtni yig‘ib, poyga-moygami, kurash purashmi uyushtirishimiz kerak ekan. Manba: Abdulhamid Ismoil, Manaschi |
Oh! A vast crowd gathered on the wrestling field. The electric lights barely illuminate the dense circle of spectators. Manba: Abdulla Ayizov, The night when the wrestler cried |
We have to gather the whole village and organize a race or a wrestling. Manba: Abdulhamid Ismoil, Manaschi |