O‘zb: Mushuk-sichqon
Eng: Cat-and-mouse game


Mushuk-sichqon – ushbu harakatli o’yin besh va undan ko’proq bolalar tomonidan o’ynaladi. Bolalar doira bo’lib turadilar va markazda ishtirokchilar ichidan tanlangan bitta o’yinchi “mushuk” bo’lib stulda o’tiradi va “uxlaydi”.  Uning atrofida qolgan o’yinchilar aylanib qo’shiq aytishadi va shovqin ko’tarishadi. “Divanda mushuk uxlab yotipti, tinchlaning sichqonlar, mushukni uyg’otib yubormang! Mushukvoy uyg’onsa, bizning raqsimiz tugaydi” Shu gapdan so’ng mushuk “uyg’onadi” va sichqonlarni tutishga harakat qiladi. Kim stulga o’tirib olsa, uni tutib bo’lmaydi. 


Cat and Mouse is an action game played by five or more children. One of them is picked as a “mouse” and sitting on a chair pretending to sleep. Others walk around him singing a song and making noice. “The cat is sleeping on the armchair, keep silence, mice, do not wake the cat up! If he wakes up he will end our dance!" After this words “the cat” gets up and tries to catch “mice”. Who manages to sit on the chair cannot be caught.  


Sen men bilan mushuk-sichqon o’ynama. Mayda baliq hammavaqt kattalariga yem bo’ladi. Senlar chivinsanlar – men burgutman!”

 “Sen ular bilan mushuk-sichqon o’ynama. Agar qotilni topisholmasa, sirtmoqni aylantirib o’zingning bo’yningga tashlashadi.”

Manba: Tohir Malik, Shaytanat


"Don’t play with me a cat and mouse. Small fish is always eaten by big ones. You are mosquitos and I am an eagle!”

"You should not play a cat and mouse with them. If they don’t find the murderer, they will throw a noose around your neck.”

Manba: Tohir Malik, The Devil's Door