Yoqimli hid taratuvchi o’simliklar
Plants that have pleasant aroma and flavour.
Bularning yonidan to‘q sariq va bahoriy muattar hidlar tarqatuvchi o‘t-o‘lanlar, toshdan-toshga urilib pastga intilayotgan shaffof tog‘ irmog‘i suvining turfa, ta’riflash qiyin ranglari o‘rin olgan. Manba: Somerset Moem, Oy va sariq chaqa |
Burnham planned to close the purification plant by Opening Day and give visitors a choice between two other supplies of safe water: lake water purified with Pasteur filters and offered free of charge, or naturally pure water for a penny a cup, piped one hundred miles from the coveted springs of Waukesha, Wisconsin. Manba: The Devil in the White City Erik Larson |