O‘zb: Pastdagi vodiy
Eng: Canyon oasis/ below valley


Tekislikda joylashgan vodiy


Oasis that is located in canyon or any deep place


Kechki payt tog‘larga tuman tushdi. Archazor yonida xayol surib yurgan Bobur pastdagi vodiy yo‘llarini ham tuman to‘sib qo‘yganini ko‘rdi-yu, soy bo‘yiga keldi.

Manba: Pirimqul Qodirov, Yulduzli tunlar


I went swimming in the box canyon oasis for ten minutes, then came back and continued working on the wall until sunset.

Manba: Steven Gould, Jumper

Itineraries Assisi (at 60 km from the Farmhouse) The beauty of this city located at the foot of Mount Subasio can be admired already from a far distance, dominating the below valley

Manba: context.reverso.net