O‘zb: Yolvorib so`rash
Eng: Entreaty
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: O`tinib so`ramoq, Tangriga yolvorish


Yalinib, o`tinib so`rash


BEgging in a very emotional way


Shuning uchun u mister Kollinzdan qizlari bilan birga aylanib kelishni yolvorib so‘radi.

Manba: Jeyn Ostin, Andisha va g`urur


I did but exchange a few words with them, just outside the portico inhaling the fresh, bracing air as I stood and then, resisting the earnest and eloquent entreaties of all three to stay a little longer, and join them in a walk round the garden,…


Manba: Anna Bronte, The Tennant of Wildfell Hall