Kim oladi – qo’shiq aytib o’ynaladigan harakatli o’zbek xalq o’yinlaridan biri. O’yin tartibi quyidagicha: uch va undan ko’p sonli bolalar mustaqil va bir vaqtda birgalikda o’zbek folklor qo’shig’ini ijro etib doira bo’lib qarsak chalib aylanishadi. Ushbu o’yinda bolalarning mohirligi va tanasining egiluvchanligi muhim hisoblanadi. Davra o’rtasida yerga do’ppi qo’yib qo’yiladi va o’yinchilar davra aylanib quyidagi qo’shiqni baravariga ijro etishadi: “Kim oladi-yo shuginanani-yo! Kim oladi-yo, shuginani-yo!
O’yinchilar orasidan biri davradan ajralib chiqadi va sheriklariga qaraja qo’shiq aytgan holda javob beradi: “Men olaman-o shuginani-yo! Men olaman-o shuginani-yo! Boshqa ishtirokchilar unga qarshi javob berishadi: “Botir bo’lsang ham o’zingni ko’rsat!” So’ngra o’yinchi qo`llarini orqaga qilib, oyoqlari orasi ochgan holda tizzalamasdan egilib og’zi bilan yerdagi do’ppini olishi kerak bo’ladi. Agar bu o’yinchi do’ppini ololmasa, boshqa bir o’yinchi o’zini sinab ko’radi. O’yin kimdir do’ppini yerdan olguncha davom etadi.
"Who gets it" is one of the imitation games which is played singing. The order of the game is as follows: three or more children gather in a circle and sing Uzbek folk songs individually and simultaneously applausing. In this game, children's flexibility is important. In the middle of the round, a duppi - a national skullcap is placed on the ground and the players go around the circle and sing the following song: "Who will get it?! Who will get it?!"
One of the players leaves the circle and sings to his teammates, responding: “I'll take it! I'll take it!" Other participants respond: "Show if you are brave!" The player then has to put his hands back and bend without kneeling and take the duppi from the ground with his mouth. If that player can't get the duppi, another player will try. The game continues until someone picks up the duppi.
Azizlar, shu kunlarga yetganimizga shukr! Yurtimiz doimo tinch, osmonimiz musaffo bo’lsin. Barchamizga yaxshi kunlar tilayman. Sho’x yallalar avjiga chiqsin. Bolalar “Kim oladi-yo, shuginani-yo?!” o’yinini o’ynaydilar. Manba: O’zbekiston Respublikasi Xalq ta’limi vazirligining ilmiy metodik jurnalidan |
Dears, we are thankful to have such happy time! May our country always be peaceful and the sky be pure. I wish us all many happy days. Let the joyous songs continue. Boys play the game "Who gets it?!" Manba: Scientific methodical journal of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan |