Shamol u yoqdan bu yoqqa chayqayotgan maysa
Grass that is moving or swinging by wind
Quyosh hammasining tepasida go‘yo hakam, bulutlar o‘yinidan tortib, endi-endi nish urishga kelgan yalang‘och daraxtlar boshida uchib yurgan qushlaru yaqindagina bosh ko‘tarib, dunyoga ilk bor ko‘z solgancha mayin bahoriy shaboda quchog‘ida mastlarcha chayqalayotgan maysalargacha, barcha-barchasini nazorat qilib turgandek. Manba: Ulug‘bek Hamdam, Muvozanat |
He sat beside him all that day; listening for her footsteps in every breath of air, looking for her shadow on the gently-waving grass, twining the hedge flowers for her pleasure when she came, and his when he awoke; and stooping down from time to time to listen to his mutterings, and wonder why he was so restless in that quiet place. Manba: ”Barnaby Rudge” Ch.Dickens |