1. Ayollar kiyadigan yengi kalta ustki milliy kiyim; yengsiz kamzul
2. Marhuma tobuti ustiga yopiladigan uzun yengil kamzul
1. National dress with short sleeves worn by women; sleeveless jacket
2. A long light jacket to cover the coffin of the deceased
Ul o‘z uyida o‘lturg‘anida ham ustidagi atlas ko‘ynak bilan adras mursakni, oq shohi dakana bilan kahrabo tasbihni qo‘ymay, qish kunlari tanchadan par yostiqqa suyalib, yoz kunlari ayvonning to‘riga yoslanib Hasan-alining xotini bo‘lg‘an Oybodoqqa, cho‘ri qiz Hanifaga xamirni achitmaslikni, palovni qirmoch oldirmasliqni tanbihlabkina o‘lturar edi. Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, O'tkan kunlar |
Mastonbibi shu gapni aytib, sandiqdan bisotidagi movut mursagini olib kiydi. Manba: Said Ahmad, Qadrdon dalalar |
When at home, she usually wore a silk atlas shirt under an adras overcoat, accompanied by a white silk turban as worn by ladies, with amber prayer beads in her hands. Uzbek Oyim reclined on a fur pillow near a sandal during the winter months. The summer months were spent under the shade of the veranda, from where she gave directions to Oibadak, wife of Hasan Ali, and the slave girl Hanifa. Uzbek Oyim was preoccupied with teaching Hanifa her household duties—such as how not to spoil the dough or burn the bottom of the Plov. Manba: Abdulla Qadiriy, Bygone days |
Saying this, Mastonbibi took the woolen mursak from the chest and put it on. Manba: Said Ahmad, Dear fields |