O‘zb: Xonaqoh
Eng: Xonaqoh/Prayer hall
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Masjid


Masjidning namoz o’qiladigan, odatda, keng va katta xonasi. Diniy jihatdan bu so’z so’fiylar mashg’ulotlarini o’tkazish uchun mo’ljallangan katta xona va uning atrofidagi hujralar. Keyinchalik, bu so’z mahalla va qishloq masjidlarining tomi gumbazli yoki tekis bo’lgan qishki qismi. Xilvatxona, uzlat, darvishlar makoni kabi so’z va so’z birikmalari ham xonaqoh ma’nosida qo’llanilgan misollar mavjud.


Spacious and large prayer room of a mosque. It was also used as a large hall for Sufi teachings. Today the word refers to the winter part of the mosques with a domed or flat roof. There are also examples of words and phrases used in the sense of khanaqah, such as khilvatxona, uzlat - the place of dervishes.


Eshon bobo bo‘lmagan kunlari salqin xonaqoda juda maza qilib uxlaydi, deydilar.

Manba: Cho`lpon, Kecha va Kunduz

Me’mor odatdagidek yana burchak tomonga burildi – bunda xonaqoh gumbaziga g‘isht yotqizayotgan usta Jo‘rjiy ishlardi.

Manba: Mirmuhsin, Me`mor

Shoh bolasiga yurt va sipoh kerak, darvesh bolasiga masjid-xonaqoh kerak!

Manba: Oybek, Navoiy


The son of a king needs a land and an army, the son of a dervish needs a xonaqoh/prayer hall!


Manba: Oybek, Navoi

The architect turned the corner again, as usual, the master Jurjiy was laying bricks on the dome of the prayer hall.


Manba: Mirmuhsin, Architect

On those days when his elder master wasn’t present he, according to neighbors, would sit in the cool prayer hall and sleep with great satisfaction.

Manba: Chulpon, Night and Day