O‘zb: Xurram bahor
Eng: Lovely spring
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Xushbo`y bahor


Shodlik va quvonchga to’la bahor


Enjoyable spring


G’unchayi xandon bila xusning guli xurram bahor,

Xatting andoq sabzakim, bo’lg’ay anga hamdam bahor.


Manba: A.Navoiy, Xazoyin ul-maoniy, G’aroyib us sig’ar


They were fresh now as a succession of April showers and gleams, followed by a lovely spring morning, could make them: the sun was just entering the dappled east, and his light illumined the wreathed and dewy orchard trees and shone down the quiet walks under them 

Manba: Jane Eyre Bronte, Charlotte